Saturday, April 12, 2014


Why did Ellen lead a better life than us?


  1. I think everyone lives the life they live for themselves, not to be better off or otherwise compared to other people.

    1. We have high hopes, and it seems Baby Boomers are the only people people consider real people.

  2. Why don't you ignore Ellen for a week?

    1. No, it's not enough.. I have to keep up cuz it's an everyday thing and I like her more than other shows I'd watch just as much. She takes a break in summer. If she didn't want us to watch I wouldn't. How would that help if I want to watch it? There are fun things on it. It's just the messages she sends that mostly upsets me, not watching the show like itself. I just feel that maybe she doesn't like me after all, that I should watch the show less.. I don't wanna worry @ it, though. I'm trying to ignore things that bother me so I don't gray and my veins don't pop.

  3. What did Johnny Depp say on her show? Do you want to see that new show that Johnny Depp is in? Isn't he turned to some type of computer existence in the movie?

    1. I don't wanna sit and wonder what Johnny did to Ellen, like make it so people don't watch as much. I'm online every day.

      Yes, I wanna see him.

      I'm not fascinated in juggling how people never talk to me and try to punish me.

      Portia sees Ellen often and I don't have that kind of relationship, so I squeeze in and watch what's on the show. I may be the 1 online she likes. I didn't get a reason as to not watching her show. You know, I'm not gonna listen. You guys thought the same of Chloe Grace Moretz. I just am worried about my life being organized in a bad way cuza this. What people will do to manipulate the pattern of my life. Like I'd get hurt if I watch the show Friday. I know she has Friday as a fun day. It makes sense, but I'm still willing to watch it then. I think she likes the show for young people but also likes like her own mom. She used to be more comfortable around adults, I believe.

  4. I sure had fun at the YMCA today.
    How was the swimming?

    1. That's great!! You will probably learn to love that stuff you do, elliptical, weight machines.

      The swimming was really good, like I told you when I was done. I got used to coming up for air via the doggy paddle in the end.
