Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Fair and Unfair

I was thinking of how tickled someone was by someone who copied me and act like they know everything @ places like the New Orleans area and for some reason deserve to be so tickled.  I hate being made fun of for that.  I don't think you just machine it out like it needs to be done, and I don't do it to get down and get it outta the way.

I just think of their inner tickle for people who could be their kids.  I don't know why you make someone to top me.  That's like making a manufactured good.  There's another tickle thought, no harm intended to any person.  I'm touching on what is and not making things up about someone.

That just so frustrates me, I am not really loved, I am flawed.  I am flawed because of things like age and my parents, and that is not right and you cannot say someone is over me just for the tickle, but I guess you can then.

Something came over me.

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